Happy Birthday Joey Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Joey! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Joey personalized card to you. Dear Joey, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Joey’s birthday.
Joey Given Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Masculine & Feminine; USAGE: English; PRONOUNCED: JO-ee. Diminutive of JOSEPH. It is occasionally used as a feminine diminutive of JOSEPHINE or JOHANNA. Joey is a diminutive of Joseph, occasionally used as a feminine diminutive of Josephine or Johanna. It is of Hebrew origin and comes from the following roots: YEHOSEPH and IOANNES. — Joey is an English diminutive of Joseph. Joseph is the anglicized form of the Hebrew name “Yosef” which translates to “(God) shall add (another son).” This is a fitting translation, as Joseph was the eleventh son of Israel’s (née Jacob) from the book of Genesis.
Joseph was Israel’s most favored son that “he made him a robe of many colors” because he was “the son of his old age” (Genesis 37:3). This inspired jealousy from Joseph’s brothers who eventually sold him into slavery to Egypt. Joseph rose to become a chief steward to Pharaoh in Egypt and was eventually reconciled with his brothers when they came to buy corn from him during a seven-year famine.