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Happy Birthday Gracie

Happy Birthday Gracie Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Gracie Personalized Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Gracie Card Images

Happy Birthday Gracie Personalized Card

Happy birthday to you Gracie! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Gracie personalized card to you. Dear Gracie, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Gracie’s birthday.

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Gracie Given Name Meaning & History

GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: English, PRONOUNCED: GRAY-see. Diminutive of GRACE. This name derives from the Latin root “gratus”, meaning “effortless beauty, gracefulness, elegance, beauty, gratitude, thanksgiving, forgiveness, indulgence”. The name has emerged in the Middle Ages in reference to God’s grace, and its presence and distribution are mainly attributable to the worship and devotion to “Our Lady of Grace.” Our Lady of Graces (St. Mary of Graces) is a devotion to the Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. Churches with this dedication often owe their foundation to thankfulness for graces received from the Virgin Mary and are particularly numerous in Italy, India, Australia, the United States, France, and the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland.

Gracie was originally a pet form for the name Grace but has now become an independent given name. Grace is from the vocabulary word meaning, quite obviously, “grace.” The word comes to the English-speaking world via the Old French from the Latin “gratia”. Grace is essentially a gift from God that frees us from sin, and it’s also considered a state of elegance and beauty, of dignity and forgiveness. The name has been in usage and popular throughout Europe since the late medieval period (14th and 15th centuries). Names that stood for “moral qualities” (e.g., Faith, Hope, Charity, Patience, etc.), became a style of Puritan naming that was brought to America.

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