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Happy Birthday Autumn

Happy Birthday Autumn Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Autumn Personalized Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Autumn Card Images

Happy Birthday Autumn Personalized Card

Happy birthday to you Autumn! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Autumn personalized card to you. Dear Autumn, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Autumn’s birthday. Autumn is also a good name to be given to newborn babies and kids.

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Autumn Name Meaning & History

Autumn is a beautiful name that is typically given to females. It is pronounced as AW-tem in English. Today, the word carries the same meaning as what it does in the Latin language. In Latin, it is the name given to the fall season. As you know, Autumn as a season is the start of the transition from summer to winter. It may mark different dates based on where you are. In the northern hemisphere it begins in September. But in it begins in March in the southern hemisphere. There are also differences for different calendars. As it starts on September 21 for the North American calendar, but it starts on August 1 for the Irish calendar. Regardless, the name Autumn can carry the meaning of “transition to winter” or “born in the fall”. Other than its popularity due to being a name often given because of the season at the time of birth, there are many famous people who makes the name even more popular, such as the actress Autumn Macintosh.

About the Happy Birthday Autumn Name Card

This is a personalized birthday card with the name Autumn, many named cards take place on this website. This is really an elegant birthday e-card for the persons whose name is Autumn. Your friends will like this beautiful birthday card with Happy Birthday Autumn Personalized Card theme. On this site, you can also find birthday cards and birthday gift ideas for other names outside Autumn. I hope that you like this elegant Happy Birthday Autumn Personalized Card.

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