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My Sweet Wife Happy Birthday Card

My Sweet Wife Happy Birthday Card for celebrating
My Sweet Wife Happy Birthday Card Images

My Sweet Wife Happy Birthday Card

About the My Sweet Wife Happy Birthday Card

– The graphic we see here is titled as My Sweet Wife Happy Birthday Card. The design offers us a romantic birthday card. The card is made on a clean white background with minimal decoration on corners. On the left side of the card, there is a large and layered birthday cake that is decorated with sugar flowers. The cake has a pair of figurines dancing romantically on top of it. This couple matches up nicely with the pair of rings you can see in the center of the card. These rings are shaped like hearts and locked through each others. And the card has some texts to deliver a message. The line above the rings reads as “Happy Birthday My Sweet Wife…” and the text below the rings says; “I feel so lucky to have you in my life… You are my life, soul, heart, everything. Love U. Muah!!!”.

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