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Golden Frame Yellow Flowers Birthday Card

Golden Frame Yellow Flowers Birthday Card for celebrating
Golden Frame Yellow Flowers Birthday Card Images

Golden Frame Yellow Flowers Birthday Card

About the Golden Frame Yellow Flowers Birthday Card

– We have the Golden Frame Yellow Flowers Birthday Card for you on this page. The card’s design is a bit complex. The card has a pink background with a honeycomb like pattern. The whole card is encased within a golden frame. This frame has a spiraling floral ornaments at the upper left and lower right corners. Other two corners have real flowers such as daisies in various colors. In between all these, at the center of the card, there are some texts. The first text is a message that says; “May your birthday be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter, cheer.”. The second text reads as “Happy Birthday…”. Both texts are written in purple with cursive style. But the second text is larger and seems to be glowing.

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