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Candy Frame Yellow Happy Birthday Card

Candy Frame Yellow Happy Birthday Card for celebrating
Candy Frame Yellow Happy Birthday Card Images

Candy Frame Yellow Happy Birthday Card

About the Candy Frame Yellow Happy Birthday Card

– You can see our Candy Frame Yellow Happy Birthday Card on this page. The card’s design is made with many snacks and sweet things. In the card, in the center, there is a large speech bubble, like the ones you see in comic books. In this speech bubble, there is a text with two words. The text reads as “Happy Birthday!”. Each letter of these words have a different color than the letters next to it. And sizes and angles of these letters varies, which gives the text a cartoon-like look. Outside of the speech bubble, there are many cartoon looking illustrations too. These are drawings that shows sweet snacks, like cookies and cakes. You can also see drinks and party banners among them. All these drawings surround the bubble at the center along its borders.

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