Happy Birthday Elise Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Elise! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Elise personalized card to you. Dear Elise, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Elise’s birthday.
Elise Given Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: German, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, English. PRONOUNCED: e-LEE-zə (German), e-LEE-se (Norwegian, Danish, Swedish), i-LEES (English), i-LEEZ (English). Short form of ELIZABETH. Origin French: Consecrated to God. The French version of Elizabeth, Elise has that slightly French-sounding effect that many parents love to love, which might be partially responsible for its current peak in popularity. Wishing a lovely (after)life for your little girl? Well in Greek mythology, the Elysium is where blessed souls go to live happily ever after—there’s nothing more poetic than that.
This name derives from the Biblical Greek “Elisabet”, a form of the Hebrew name Elisheva, which in turn is composed of two elements: the “ʾēl” (God, the God of Israel) plus “sh’vu’a (sh-b-ʿ)” (oath). In turn, the name means “my God is an oath, my God is abundance”. shavu’ot (plural form) is a Jewish holiday that occurs in the spring, a harvest festival, also commemorating the anniversary of the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai. This name and its variants are spread all over the world. The name appears in the Old Testament as the name of Aaron’s wife “Elisheva”, and in the New Testament as the name of the wife of the priest Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist. Linked to this root we can find: Elizabeth I, queen regnant of England and Ireland, Elizabeth of Hungary (Erzsebet), princess of the Kingdom of Hungary and Elizabeth of Aragon (Elisabet in Catalan, Isabel in Aragonese), queen consort of Portugal, a tertiary of the Franciscan Order and is venerated as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. — Elise is a Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, and Danish variant of Elizabeth. Elizabeth originates in the Hebrew language and means “promise of God”. Elizabeth has been one of the most popular feminine given names over centuries and in various languages and various spellings it has almost a hundred different forms. In the Bible, Elizabeth was the mother of John Baptist and the wife of Zacharias. It was also popularized by Elizabeth I, the Virgin Queen of England, and Elizabeth II, current Queen of the Commonwealth realms.