Happy Birthday Diane Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Diane! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Diane personalized card to you. Dear Diane, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Diane’s birthday.
Diane Given Name Meaning & History
Diane is a variant of Diana. Diana originates in the Latin language and means “divine woman”. In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of hunting, moon, and childbirth, her Greek equivalent being Artemis. It has been one of the most popular given names for a long time, especially in European countries. It was popularized by Diana, Princess of Wales, sometimes nicknamed Lady Di, who tragically died in a car crash in 1997. Famous Dianes: Diane Franklin – actress, Diane Cannon – actress, Diane Keaton – actress, Diane Ladd – actress.
GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: French, English, PRONOUNCED: DYAN (French), die-AN (English). French form of DIANA, also regularly used in the English-speaking world. — Origin French: Divine. You’d think being the French version of a name would give Diana a level of hipster cache, but that’s not the case. Instead, Diane is often viewed as the stuffier middle-aged aunt of its more popular counterpart, the ethereal Diana. While it had its heyday in the 50s, the party has long since been over for this name. — This name means “heavenly, divine, bright, shining one” (the lady of wild animals and goddess of hunting). Diana, in Latin (Roman Mythology), was the goddess of the hunt and moon and birthing, being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. She was equated with the Greek goddess “Artemis”, though she had an independent origin in Italy. 1) Blessed Diana degli Andalò (1201–1236), sometimes d’Andalo, was a Dominican nun who founded a convent for her order dedicated to Saint Agnes in Italy. 2) Diane de Poitiers (1499–1566) was a French noblewoman and a prominent courtier at the courts of kings Francis I and his son, Henry II of France. She became notorious as the latter’s favorite.