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It Was A Very Good Year, Statler and Waldorf Version

It Was A Very Good Year

Very Good Year

The songIt Was A Very Good Year” by Ervin Drake was firstly made famous by Frank Sinatra. And later, the Statler and Waldorf characters of the Muppet Show reaffirmed the song, with this video.

It Was A Very Good Year Happy Birthday Card

We live a lot of good and bad things in our lives. But when we look back, it’s usually all good memories. They are precious times we will never live again. Of course, beautiful memories are our precious memories that we are happy to remember. I wish, if you look back at the present day, in the future, you will have plenty of memories that make you happy.

We wish you and all those who send this video to be true of all their dreams. Even if it is not a castle, we wish that all wishes to be a new host, to live a life without debt, be true.

On this video, we are witnessing the conversation of two elderly gentlemen, Statler and Waldorf, summarize all their lives, starting from age 17. In the meantime, the dialogue they are doing is like this:

S- When I was 17, it was a very good year.
W- It was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer nights
S- Oh, yes. We’d hide from the lights on the village green. When we were 17.

S- When I was 21, it was a very good year.
S- It was a very good year for city girls who lived up the stair, with perfumed hair that came undone, when I was 21.

See also  Mickey Mouse Birthday Party (Short Film) - Happy Birthday

W- I don’t remember that long ago. How about when you were 63?
S- Oh, that was a year.
W- Yeah, I broke my hip. Huh? Doctor flirt with the nurse all year.
S- Well, my third wife left me. What a terrific year.

S- What about when you were at 74?
W- It was the year my rheumatism came back.
S- Yeah, so did my third wife.
W- What a terrible year.
S- Indeed. Yeah.

S- But now the days are short. I’m in the autumn of the year.
W- Now I think of my life as vintage wine from fine old kegs.
SW- From the brim to the dregs, and it poured sweet and clear.
SW- It was a very good year.

Click HERE for the “It Was A Very Good Year” song clip video by Frank Sinatra.

NOTE: All property and copyrights of the materials belong to their respective owners, and no copyright infringement is intended. We fetch the video from “fromthebalcony1” channel on Youtube. The copyright of the video, belong to their respective owners. The use of the video here via the embed codes is not done with the intent of copyright infringement.