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It Was A Very Good Year by Frank Sinatra

It Was A Very Good Year

Very Good Year

It Was A Very Good Year by Frank Sinatra. Frank Sinatra is singing the song, “It Was A Very Good Year” from Ervin Drake. We owe it to Frank Sinatra that this song is famous, that it is one of the classics and that it comes until today.

It Was A Very Good Year by Frank Sinatra Song Clip Video Birthday Card

We live a lot of good and bad things in our lives. But when we look back, it’s usually all good memories. They are precious times we will never live again. Of course, beautiful memories are the precious memories that we are happy to remember. I wish, if you look back at the present day, in the future, you will have plenty of memories that make you happy. We wish you and all those who send this video to be true of all their dreams.

It Was A Very Good Year by Frank Sinatra Song Lyrics:

When I was seventeen
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for small town girls
And soft summer nights
Wed hide from the lights
On the village green
When I was seventeen

When I was twenty-one
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for city girls
Who lived up the stair
With all that perfumed hair
And it came undone
When I was twenty-one

When I was thirty-five
It was a very good year
It was a very good year for blue-blooded girls
Of independent means
Wed ride in limousines
Their chauffeurs would drive
When I was thirty-five

But now the days grow short
I’m in the autumn of the year
And now I think of my life as vintage wine
>from fine old kegs
>from the brim to the dregs
And it poured sweet and clear
It was a very good year

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It was a mess of good years
It Was A Very Good Year lyrics © BMG RIGHTS MANAGEMENT US, LLC

Click HERE for the “Statler and Waldorf Version” of “It Was A Very Good Year” song.

NOTE: We fetch the video from “M&M lyrics” channel on Youtube with provided embed codes. The copyrights of the video and the music, belong to their respective owners.