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Candles And Strawberry Birthday Card

Candles And Strawberry Birthday Card for celebrating
Candles And Strawberry Birthday Card Images

Candles And Strawberry Birthday Card

About the Candles And Strawberry Birthday Card

– You can see here the e-card we titled as Candles And Strawberry Birthday Card. This design uses a lot of colorful birthday candles as a background. Across both the top and the bottom border of the card, there are unlit birthday candles lined side by side. Each candle has white spiral lines on it and the candle itself is colored differently than its neighbor candles. In the right upper corner of the card, there are a pair of strawberries. In the center of the card, there are words “Happy Birthday” written with crooked pink letters. Below these words, but still in front of the candles in the background, there is a birthday cake with a single strawberry on top of it.

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