Happy Birthday Leanne Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Leanne! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Leanne personalized card to you. Dear Leanne, I wish a bright and beautiful day to you on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Leanne’s birthday.
Leanne Given Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Feminine; USAGE: English; PRONOUNCED: lee-AN. Combination of LEE and ANNE. Origin English: This is a name with a disputed meaning. Leanne could be a variant of Liana, which is a short form of Juliana (young), or a modern compound of the names Lee and Ann. Leanne is a modern creation that combines the names Lee and Anne, but it does not include the second E in Lee. Sometimes the A in Anne is capitalized to clarify the pronunciation of the name. Leanne first appears in the SSA records of US names back in 1929 when 7 girls were named Leanne that year. This name is a combination (composed, blended name) of “Lee” (Proto-Germanic “lauhaz”) plus “Ann, Anna, Anne”. It is of Germanic Old English (Anglo-Saxon) and Hebrew origin and comes from the following roots: LAUHAZ and HANNAH.