Happy Birthday Jess Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Jess! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Jess personalized card to you. Dear Jess, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Jess’s birthday.
Jess Given Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Masculine & Feminine, USAGE: English, PRONOUNCED: JES. Short form of JESSE or JESSICA. Jess is a short form of Jesse, Jessica, and Jessika. It is of Hebrew origin and comes from the following roots: (IŌÁNNĒS) and (ISKAH). American Meaning: The name Jess is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Jess is: Jehovah exists. Derived from the Hebrew Yishai, which is from yīshai (gift, wealth). Var: Jessee.
Jess as a boys’ name (also used as girls’ name Jess) is of Hebrew origin, and the name Jess means “the Lord exists”. Jess is a variant form of Jesse (Hebrew). Jess as a girls’ name (also used as boys’ name Jess) is a Hebrew name, and the meaning of Jess is “God is gracious; jasmine; He sees”. Jess is an alternate spelling of Jane (Hebrew): originally a feminine respelling of John. Jess is also a derivative of Jasmine from Old French and Persian. Jess is also used as a derivative of Jessica (Hebrew), and a variation of Jessie (Hebrew).