Happy Birthday Jennifer Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Jennifer! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Jennifer personalized card to you. Dear Jennifer, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Jennifer’s birthday.
Jennifer Given Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Spanish. PRONOUNCED: JEN-i-far (English), JE-ni-fu (German). From a Cornish form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar (see GUINEVERE). This name has only been common outside of Cornwall since the beginning of the 20th century after it was featured in George Bernard Shaw’s play ‘The Doctor’s Dilemma’ (1906). Origin Celtic: White wave. Origin English and Welsh: Fair one; Variant of Guinevere. — This name derives from the Cornish “Gwenhwyfar”, composed of two elements: From the Proto-Brythonic “*gwindos”, and Proto-Celtic “*windos”, meaning “white, fair” plus from the proto-celtic “seibrā (hwyfar)”, meaning (phantom, spirit). The name means “the white fay, white phantom, white spirit”. In Arthurian legend, Gwenhwyfar was the wife of King Arthur. It became a common first name for females in English-speaking countries during the 20th century.
The name Jennifer has been in use since the 18th century. Before 1906 the name was fairly uncommon, but it gained some recognition after George Bernard Shaw used it for the main female character in The Doctor’s Dilemma. Jennifer is ultimately derived from Guinevere. Guinevere originates in the Welsh language and means “woman of white magic”. This was the name of a legendary character in Arthurian legends. She was the wife of King Arthur and a lover of Sir Lancelot. Famous Jennifers: Jennifer Aniston – actress, Jennifer Garner – actress, Jennifer Love Hewitt – actress, Jennifer Capriati – tennis player.