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Happy Birthday Isaac

Happy Birthday Isaac Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Isaac Personalized Card for celebrating
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Happy Birthday Isaac Personalized Card

Happy birthday to you Isaac! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Isaac personalized card to you. Dear Isaac, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Isaac’s birthday.

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Isaac Given Name Meaning & History

GENDER: Masculine, USAGE: English, Jewish, Biblical, Biblical Latin. PRONOUNCED: IE-zək (English). As an English Christian name, Isaac was occasionally used during the Middle Ages, though it was more common among Jews. It became more widespread after the Protestant Reformation. Famous bearers include the physicist and mathematician Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and the science-fiction writer Isaac Asimov (1920-1992). From the Hebrew name Yitzchaq meaning “he will laugh, he will rejoice”, derived from tzachaq meaning “to laugh”. The Old Testament explains this meaning, by recounting that Abraham laughed when God told him that his aged wife Sarah would become pregnant with Isaac (Genesis 17:17). When Isaac was a boy, God tested Abraham’s faith by ordering him to sacrifice his son, though an angel prevented the act at the last moment. Isaac went on to become the father of Esau and Jacob with his wife Rebecca. — This name derives from the Hebrew “Yishaq”, Biblical Greek: Isaak, meaning “he laughs”. Isaac, son of Abraham by Sarah his wife and father of Jacob and Esau, was one of the three patriarchs in the Hebrew Bible, whose story is told in the book of Genesis. The name is derived from Judaism and is a given name among Jewish, Christian, and Muslim societies, generally in reference to the above. — Isaac originates in the Hebrew language and means “one who brings laughter”. It first appeared in the Bible and the most famous bearers until today are Sir Isaac Newton, a 17th-century English mathematician and physicist, and Isaac Asimov, an American science fiction writer. Famous Isaacs: Isaac Asimov – author, Isaac Brown – football player, Isaac Curtis – football player, Isaac Hanson – musician.

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