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Happy Birthday Irene

Happy Birthday Irene Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Irene Personalized Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Irene Card Images

Happy Birthday Irene Personalized Card

Happy birthday to you Irene! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Irene personalized card to you. Dear Irene, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Irene’s birthday. Irene is also a good name to be given to newborn babies.

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Irene Given Name Meaning & History

GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, German, Dutch, Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized). PRONOUNCED: ie-REEN (English), ie-REE-nee (English), ee-RE-ne (Italian, Spanish), EE-re-ne (Finnish), ee-RE-nə (German), ee-RAY-na (Dutch). This name has traditionally been more popular among Eastern Christians. In the English-speaking world, it was not regularly used until the 19th century. From Greek Eirene, derived from a word meaning “peace”. This was the name of the Greek goddess who personified peace, one of the ‘Ωραι (Horai). It was also borne by several early Christian saints. The name was common in the Byzantine Empire, notably being borne by an 8th-century empress, who was the first woman to lead the empire. She originally served as regent for her son, but later had him killed and ruled alone.

Origin Greek & Spanish: Peace; Irene was the Greek goddess of peace. Another famous bearer was an eighth-century Byzantine empress, the first woman to lead the Empire. She originally served as regent for her son but later had him killed and ruled alone. This name derives from the Ancient Greek “eirini”, meaning “peace, tranquility, harmony”. The Roman equivalent was “Pax”. Eirene in Greek Mythology was one of the Horae and the personification of peace. She is said sometimes to be the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Irene, and its variants, was also the name of an 8th-century Byzantine empress, as well as the name of several saints. The name has always been very popular among the people of the Christian faith. In English, the name “Irene” did not become common until the nineteenth century. In Greek mythology, the Horae (Greek: Ὧραι, “seasons”) were the goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time. Famous Irenes: Irene Dunn – actress, Irene Joliot-Curie – Nobel Chemistry Prize 1935, Irene Kelley – singer, Irene Bedard – actress.

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