Happy Birthday Fiona Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Fiona! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Fiona personalized card to you. Dear Fiona, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Fiona’s birthday. Fiona is also a good name to be given to newborn babies.
Fiona Given Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: Scottish, English, PRONOUNCED: fee-O-nə. Feminine form of FIONN. This name was (first?) used by Scottish poet James Macpherson in his poem ‘Fingal’ (1762). This given name derives from the Proto-Celtic “*windos > find > Fionn” (Welsh: Gwyn), meaning “white, fair”. The name Fiona was invented and first used, by the Scottish poet James Macpherson (1736–1796). The name Fiona is also sometimes used as an Anglicization of the Irish-language name Fiona. Finn MacCoul, was a mythical hunter-warrior of Irish mythology, occurring also in the mythologies of Scotland and the Isle of Man. The stories of Fionn and his followers the Fianna form the Fenian Cycle (or Fiannaidheacht), much of it purported to be narrated by Fionn’s son, the poet Oisín. — Fiona originates in Gaelic languages and means “fairy woman”. It is a feminine form of Fionn.
It was popularized by James Macpherson, a Scottish poet, in his poems. As a feminine given name, it has been fairly popular in the United States and also outside them. — Fiona comes from the Gaelic word “Fionn” which means ‘white, fair’. The name was first used in the 18th century by Scottish poet James Macpherson in his epic Ossian poems. Macpherson claimed he found ancient Gaelic manuscripts that directly told the deeds of Celtic heroes in what is referred to as the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology. Fionn mac Cumhaill was a mythical hunter-warrior whose followers (the Fianna) lived apart from society as bandits and hunters and could be called upon by kings in times of war. These poetic works were extremely popular, widely read, and very controversial since Macpherson claimed they were written by Fionn’s son Oisín himself in the 3rd century. — Famous Fionas: Fiona Apple – musician, Fiona Burnett – jazz artist, Fiona Capp – writer, Fiona Cooper – writer.