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Happy Birthday Ebba

Happy Birthday Ebba Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Ebba Personalized Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Ebba Card Images
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Happy Birthday Ebba Personalized Card

Happy birthday to you Ebba! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Ebba personalized card to you. Dear Ebba, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Ebba’s birthday.

Ebba Given Name Meaning & History

Ebba is a Feminine name. It is often used in Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and German. The name is pronounced as EB-bah in Swedish, or E-ba as its German version. Ebba is actually the feminine form of the name EBBE. Ebba is a short form of Ebergund, Eberharde, Eberhild, and Ebrikke, a pet form of Elisabet, and all names beginning with “ebe-”. The name is linked to the names “Everard and Esben”. It is of Germanic, Old Norse, and Hebrew origin and comes from the following roots of the old names EBERHARD and EBURAZ.

Ebba comes from the Old English name Aebbe, meaning unknown, perhaps a contracted form of a longer name. Saint Ebba was a 7th-century daughter of King Aethelfrith of Bernicia and the founder of monasteries in Scotland. Another saint Ebba was a 9th-century abbess and martyr who mutilated her own face so that she would not be raped by the invading Danes.

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