Happy Birthday Daniella Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Daniella! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Daniella personalized card to you. Dear Daniella, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Daniella’s birthday.
Daniella Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: English, PRONOUNCED: dan-YEL-a. Feminine form of DANIEL. — Despite having that -la ending that parents love to love right now (see Isabella, Ella, or Layla), Daniella has yet to reach name superstardom. We still think it’s a lovely alternative to the previously overused Danielle. — This name derives from the Hebrew “daniye’l“, meaning “God is my judge”. The name evolved into over 100 different spellings in countries around the world. The tribe descended from Jacob’s son of that name in Old Testament. Biblical: the prophet and writer of the book of Daniel was a teenager when he was taken to Babylon after the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BC. He survived a politically motivated death sentence in a lions’ den. Many prominent men have had the name since, among them statesman Daniel Webster and frontiersman Daniel Boone.