Happy Birthday Carmen Personalized Card
– Happy birthday to you Carmen! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Carmen personalized card to you. Dear Carmen, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Carmen’s birthday. Carmen is also a good name to be given to newborn babies.
Carmen Name Meaning & History
GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: Spanish, English, Italian, Romanian. PRONOUNCED: KAR-men (Spanish), KAHR-mən (English). Medieval Spanish form of CARMEL influenced by the Latin word carmen “song”. This was the name of the main character in George Bizet’s opera ‘Carmen’ (1875). — Carmen is beautiful, exotic, and lyrical. It’s also the name of the heroine in Bizet’s opera, Carmen, based on a short novel by French author Prosper Merimee. A beautiful gypsy, Carmen becomes entangled in a series of tragic love affairs. Talk about dramatic. — Carmen is a Spanish form of Carmel, influenced by carmen, a Latin word for song. Carmel originates in the Hebrew language and means “garden of God”. In the Bible, Carmel was a mountain range in Israel, as well as an ancient town in Judea. As a feminine given name, it was probably derived from the Virgin Mary Our Lady of Carmel. Carmen is the name of the famous opera by George Bizet. — This name derives from the Hebrew “Karmel”, meaning “garden, the garden of God, garden-land“. It is a devotional name in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, the Marian apparition of 1251 to St. Simon Stock in Palestine. It is then passed to the Greek “Kármēlos (Κάρμηλος)” and then to the Latin “Carmelus”. Karmel is a mountain on the Mediterranean coast of northern Israel, just below Haifa. Karmel also is a town in the mountains on the west side of the Dead Sea and south of Hebron. — Famous Carmen: Carmen Mercedes McRae – Jazz singer, Carmen Ejogo – actress, Carmen Serano – actress, Carmen Electra – actress.