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Happy Birthday Capricia

Happy Birthday Capricia Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Capricia Personalized Card for celebrating
Happy Birthday Capricia Card Images

Happy Birthday Capricia Personalized Card

Happy birthday to you Capricia! I wish you a very special day, sending this Happy Birthday Capricia personalized card to you. Dear Capricia, I wish you a bright and beautiful day on your special day. This named card was specially designed for Capricia’s birthday. Capricia is also a good name to be given to newborn babies.

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Capricia Name Meaning & History

GENDER: Feminine, USAGE: English (Rare). — As a girls’ name. The name Capricia means “whimsical, playful”. Capricia is an alternate form of Caprice (English, French, Italian). — An Elaborated form of CAPRICE. — CAPRICE: From the English word meaning “impulse”, ultimately (via French) from Italian capriccio. Famous Caprices: Caprice Crane, American author; Caprice Bourret, American model, and actress; Caprice Ka’anohikula Dydasco, American soccer player. — Caprice is an English vocabulary word, a noun to be specific, meaning “impulsive” or “a sudden change of mind.” The English borrowed the word from the French caprice (“whim”) circa the 17th century, ultimately from the Italian “capriccio” which originally meant “a shiver, raising of the hackles” – probably a blend of “capo” (head) and “riccio” (frizzled hair). The adjective form of caprice is capricious which means “whimsical, fickle, unpredictable, given to mood swings.” Caprice is not generally considered a personal name, but it has been used from time to time among English speakers for their little girls (particularly in the United States and England).

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